This rainy, cloudy, and frankly cold weather has made this week even worse that I had imagined. Finals were pretty horrendous, especially because all of mine were packed into less than 24 hours. Yesterday afternoon I was oh so thrilled to be moving my stuff home...until I went out to feed the meter before my last final to discover I had a flat tire. TWO new tires later (oh another one of mine was almost kaput) and $140 later I am home, and I still have to clean up my dorm room back at school.
Honestly, this isn't going to be as bad as the end of this week and the weekend. I'm headed back for my girl Kelly's 21st birthday, but it is going to be beyond bittersweet. She isn't going to be back at Iowa next year, I know we will cry our eyes out after we get over our hangovers.

I come back Sunday, but not before saying goodbye to Jacob. Eek I don't even want to think about him being 3 hours away all summer. Doing my makeup Sunday will be futile because I will cry it all off.

Oh then I get to start work Monday collecting debt and doing online classes. Summer is going to be LLAAAAAAAAMMMMMMEEEEEEEE.